Hynion Sverige refuels a new hydrogen truck from a leading vehicle manufacturer

Hynion participates in testing and demonstration of new engine technology by providing refueling of...

Politician visit in Porsgrunn

On Friday, March 3, 2023, Hynion was visited by three hydrogen-interested people at its hydrogen...

Growing interest in cars running on hydrogen

The taxi industry and private drivers in Norway show increased interest in hydrogen cars. The...

Hynion Gothenburg open for refuelling

The official opening of Hynion's hydrogen station in Gothenburg was done yesterday by Hans...

Hynion Gothenburg opens for refuelling of hydrogen

After a long period of rebuilding and scrutiny by the certification body and the Rescue Service in...

Hynion co-organizer of the first national hydrogen safety workshop

Hynion hosted and co-organised the first national hydrogen safety workshop which took place at...

Hydrogen Vehicles is one of the top 10 technical trends for 2023 says Juniper Research

In a webinar presentation today Juniper Research named Hydrogen Vehicles the top 3 technical trends...

Hydrogen becoming a major energy carrier for EU

This week the European Hydrogen Week takes place in Brussels. There is little doubt that Hydrogen...

The requirements for hydrogen infrastructure are being tightened in the EU

On Wednesday, the EU Parliament adopted its proposal for new EU rules for infrastructure for...

The Ministry of Transport visits the Høvik station

This week, high-level politicians from the Ministry of Transport visited the Høvik station,...